PCOS and Infertility: Can You Still Get Pregnant?
PCOS is increasingly becoming very common in women nowadays. This rise in PCOS is mainly because of the unhealthy lifestyle that most of us live. Added stress and anxieties worsen the situation. One of the most common complications of PCOS is infertility. Women have many questions about signs of PCOS and infertility, PCOS and infertility treatment, and PCOS treatment in South Delhi.
The internet is full of information about natural cures and diets for PCOS and infertility. But not all of this information is correct. You should consult only with an experienced gynecologist for your PCOS treatment.
This article will discuss PCOS and infertility in detail and provide you with all the correct information that you should be aware of if you suffer from PCOS and infertility.
PCOS and infertility
PCOS is a disease caused by an imbalance in the reproductive hormones in females of the reproductive age group. The female reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone, decrease in the body, and the male reproductive hormone, testosterone, increases.
PCOS or PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome is a “syndrome,” which means that it has a group of symptoms that commonly occur with this disease. PCOS affects the ovaries and their functioning. There are three main characteristics of PCOS :
- Presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries (which gives the condition its name, “poly-cystic”)
- Increased testosterone levels
- Irregular menstrual cycles
The cysts or follicles contain an immature egg. In PCOS, the egg does not mature, and ovulation does not occur. This causes an imbalance in the reproductive hormones. Lack of ovulation causes infertility in women.
In addition, the raised testosterone levels disrupt the menstrual cycles and cause irregular or scanty periods.
PCOS symptoms and complications
Most of the signs and symptoms that are commonly seen in PCOS are because of the raised testosterone levels. These signs of PCOS and infertility include the following:
- Irregular periods
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Excessive body hair growth or hirsutism
- Facial and body acne
- Weight gain
- Male pattern baldness
- Darkening of the skin folds
All these symptoms can cause several complications in the patients, such as:
- Infertility
- Metabolic syndrome
- Sleep apnea
- Depression
How PCOS impacts fertility?
PCOS disrupts the normal menstrual cycle in women. It stops ovulation, and eggs are not released inside the body. Since no egg is available for conception, the woman can not get pregnant. Menstrual cycles become scanty and occur at longer intervals of time.
All this is caused by an imbalance in the reproductive hormones in the female body.
Fertility treatment for PCOS
Most women who have PCOS can get pregnant with the proper treatment. But it is essential to control PCOS by leading a healthier lifestyle. You can consult Dr Madhu Goel for PCOS treatment in South Delhi.
Clomiphene is given to the patients at the beginning of each cycle, which can help stimulate ovulation in most women. This is the first line of treatment for any woman suffering from PCOS and trying to get pregnant.
If clomiphene does not work, metformin can also be prescribed to the patients. This medicine helps control blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in the body. Metformin encourages regular menstrual cycles and reduces the risk of miscarriages. In addition, it has long-term benefits, such as decreasing the cholesterol levels in the body and reducing the risk of heart diseases.
If none of the medical treatments work, the patient always has the option of going for IVF procedures.
Tips for increasing fertility
Dealing with PCOS and infertility can be very hard for the patients. Here are some tips for increasing your fertility.
- Decrease your weight if you are overweight or obese.
- Eat a healthy diet for PCOS and infertility with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Cut down on your alcohol intake
- Avoid smoking
- Exercise regularly
- Manage your stress and anxiety levels by practicing yoga and meditation for PCOS and infertility
- Get enough sleep and rest
- Decrease your sugar and oil consumption.
The only definite treatment for PCOS is to lead a healthy lifestyle and manage your stress levels. But other than that, medications are available that can alleviate the symptoms of PCOS, such as:
Combined oral contraceptive pills
Birth control pills are the drug of choice for patients with PCOS. These contain estrogen and progesterone and help stabilize the body’s hormone levels and regulate the menstrual cycles. These medications also alleviate symptoms like acne, hirsutism, and hair loss because of stabilizing hormone levels.
These pills are taken for 21 days, starting from the first day of your period. Then you do not take these for seven days during which your period occurs. Start the course again on the 8th day irrespective of whether your period happened or not. These medicines help stabilize the menstrual cycles in about 2 to 3 months.
Progestin therapy
Progestin is taken for 10 to 14 days every one to two months, and this helps bring the hormone levels back to normal. This also has protective effects against endometrial cancer in the future.
Clomiphene, metformin, and letrozole are used to treat infertility in women with PCOS.
Chances of getting pregnant with PCOS
The chances of getting pregnant with PCOS are very good for most patients. Leading a healthy lifestyle, eating a well-balanced diet, and doing an adequate amount of exercise can reverse PCOS effects on the body.
Apart from that, the medications available are very good for treating all symptoms of PCOS. Clomiphene and metformin can also induce ovulation in patients with PCOS, which considerably increases the chances of pregnancy for them.
If none of these options work, women with PCOS can opt for IVF. IVF allows the couple to have their child with a little bit of help.
Most women with PCOS can get pregnant on their own if they choose the best gynecologist in South Delhi.
We hope that this article cleared all your doubts regarding PCOS and infertility. If you still have doubts, please contact Dr. Madhu Goel’s clinic.
Dr. Madhu Goel is the best gynecologist in South Delhi. She has completed her education at the prestigious colleges of Delhi. She has vast experience in treating all kinds of gynecological problems like PCOS and infertility.