Hysteroscopy is a surgery in which a telescope is inserted into the uterus. This telescope is connected to a camera and a monitor to see the inside of the uterus and to treat any abnormalities.
Why is hysteroscopy done?
- Infertility
- Recurrent abortions
- To diagnose the cause of heavy bleeding.
- Prior to IVF to see the cavity
- To treat uterine polyps
- To treat submucous fibroids
- To treat intra uterine adhesions
- To treat some abnormalities of uterus like uterine septum
It is a usually a day care surgery. The patient is given a short general anaesthesia. The instrument is inserted inside the uterus through the vagina and the cavity visualized.
If there is any anamoly like a polyp, septum, adhesions etc it can be treated at the same time.
The patient is discharged on the same day